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The Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola (eBook)
Enjoy the story of the man who went from being a soldier for glory to a soldier for Christ. Through his own words, you can read the story of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491 - 1556).
This illustrated and complete version of his autobiography gives his own understanding of the work of grace in his life. After turning his life over to Christ, St. Ignatius became the author of the well-known Spiritual Exercises and the founder of the Society of Jesus. As he himself was inspired to begin his journey by reading the lives of the saints, may you, too, be inspired by reading his life.
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This illustrated and complete version of his autobiography gives his own understanding of the work of grace in his life. After turning his life over to Christ, St. Ignatius became the author of the well-known Spiritual Exercises and the founder of the Society of Jesus. As he himself was inspired to begin his journey by reading the lives of the saints, may you, too, be inspired by reading his life.
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